I couldn’t be without my sense of humour. I wouldn’t be able to create my work without it. I love laughter. I try to surround myself with funny people. Cats. I love cats they are wonderful, I love them quite frankly they are an obsession. They are just so perfect and remind me that everything is perfect in the world. I own two, Beau and Benni Balou and I adore them!
Art is my world. I love art history, I love the ridiculous stuff too. I adore and inspired most by anything typically British. London and Brighton is where I am most inspired. My work is created from inspiration I see today combined with childhood memories. I am known to combine the two. I work in various medium including oil, acrylic, watercolour, pen and ink, clay and wire. Oil was my first love, I love how I can sculpt with it and I sometimes use my fingers to create what I see, I go back to it and mold it to how I want. I tend to be more sporadic and work at a faster pase when I use acrylic or watercolour.